Russian Fate: A Memoir I'll Never Write

Welcome to the intriguing world of Stephen F. Cohen, a remarkable scholar who defied conventions and embraced the complexities of life. In this memoir, we delve into his captivating journey, exploring his unyielding spirit, his deep connections, and his unwavering belief in alternative perspectives. Join us as we uncover the untold stories of a man who left an indelible mark on the world.

Remembering a Maverick Scholar

Discover the life and legacy of Stephen F. Cohen, a maverick scholar who defied conventions and left an indelible mark on the world.

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Stephen F. Cohen was a scholar like no other. With his rebellious spirit and strong democratic convictions, he challenged the status quo and embraced alternative perspectives. Born and raised as a Jew in the south, he understood the complexities of life and the shades of gray that exist in our world.

Throughout his life, Steve was a loving friend and mentor to many. He had a genuine interest in the lives and thoughts of those around him, creating a diverse circle of eclectic friends. His relationships with individuals like Gorbachev and his family, as well as his deep connection with his daughter Nika, shaped his personal and professional journey.

Steve's impact extended beyond his personal connections. As a controversial Russia expert, he fearlessly spoke his mind and stood up for what he believed in. He advocated for reform and believed in the power of dissent, even in the face of opposition. His dedication to mentoring young students and supporting future scholarships showcased his generosity and commitment to education.

A Memoir That Was Never Written

Uncover the untold story of Steve's unwritten memoir and the materials he collected over the years, providing a glimpse into his fascinating life and fate.

Steve had always intended to write his memoirs, a reflection of his life and fate. He meticulously collected materials and papers, filing them away for future use. Sadly, time was not on his side, and he never had the opportunity to fulfill this plan.

However, thanks to the dedication of Gena and the contributions of Airo, we have a unique glimpse into Steve's life through a memoir of a different kind. The manuscript, available in both English and Russian, offers a window into his thoughts, experiences, and the events that shaped him.

Reading Steve's memoir, one can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the insights it provides. It is a testament to his intellectual prowess and his unwavering belief in the power of storytelling.

Honoring Steve's Legacy

Discover the initiatives and institutions established to honor Steve's memory, including professorships, fellowships, and prestigious awards.

Steve's impact continues to resonate through the initiatives and institutions established in his honor. Indiana University will establish an endowed professorship in history and Russian studies, ensuring that his name and contributions are remembered for generations to come.

Additionally, five fellowships in Steve's name have been set up at NYU, providing support to aspiring scholars. Through ASEEES, six annual fellowships and the Tucker-Cohen Dissertation Prize continue to promote research and academic excellence.

Despite facing opposition and controversy, the belief in the importance of Steve's views prevailed. The battle over funding for ASEEES fellowships showcased the commitment to free speech and the support for future generations of scholars.

A Lasting Impact

Reflect on Steve's afterlife and the importance of keeping his work and stance alive, ensuring that his contributions continue to shape the field of Russian studies.

Steve's legacy extends far beyond his time on Earth. His dedication to mentoring and supporting young students, his groundbreaking research, and his unwavering belief in alternative perspectives continue to inspire and shape the field of Russian studies.

Indiana University's endowed professorship and the fellowships at NYU serve as a testament to his lasting impact. Through these initiatives, his name will forever be associated with excellence and intellectual curiosity.

As we remember Steve and his contributions, let us carry forward his spirit of dissent, his commitment to education, and his belief in the power of storytelling. Let us continue to challenge the status quo and embrace alternative perspectives, knowing that there is no alternative to progress.

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